I just got in a Jetson Nano, figured I want to experiment with it. Step one was to get cross compiling working, now it’s time getting wifi working.
WiFi has been a serious pain point in my experience working on the TX1/TX2 because of Nvidia’s choice in WiFi chipsets. The built-in Broadcom chip requires some modprobe hacking if you want a dynamically configurable WiFi. Luckily, with the release of the Nano, Nvidia went back to the same design model that I loved about the TK1: let the user install their own WiFi chipset.
I’ve long maintained that the best dynamically configurable wifi solution is what I call the “chromecast” experience (it’s where I personally first saw it). The device will host an access point with a captive portal, and the user logs onto the portal and enters SSID and password information. The device reboots once configured, and will re-enter the host mode access point if the configuration failed. Luckily I know of a nice open source project that offers this exact functionality: https://github.com/balena-io/wifi-connect
I’ve pushed a docker container for aarch64 targets to auto configure wifi if there is no active wifi connection upon container start. Theoretically, this same container can run on the TX1 and TX2, but Nvidia’s choice in wifi chipsets to use within the SOM have proven to be tricky to get working with this approach. Check the README.md file on the github page for how it can be ran, but a quick summary, you can run this via:
docker run --rm -it \
--privileged \
--network=host \
--name=wifi-connect \
-v /run/dbus:/var/run/dbus \
I recommend using the nvidia recommended Intel 8265 PCI card, as for some reason I can only see 2.4 GHz WiFi SSID’s using the also recommended Edimax USB dongle.
Check out the github repo for more information: